Murmur of Faded Landscapes 2019 paintings and drawings
My expanded paintings of 2019 interpret and contextualizes marginal landscapes. Consisting of two parts; a series of static representational oil painting and animations projected onto static large drawings. Using expanded painting and drawing practice the artist reinterprets landscapes of the urban fringe, sites of abandonment and accrual.The artworks are palimpsest landscape collages of time and decay, in a metaphysical sense sites of forgetting and remembering.
Only the landscape has changed
5 min HD video loop
South East Freeway
5 min HD video loop
Exhibition Venues 2019
The Murmur of faded landscapes series exhibited at the at Grey Street Galleries, South Bank Queensland College of Art in June 2019.
Some Kind of Nature exhibited at the Tattersall’s Club Landscape Art Prize, Tattersall’s Club Brisbane, Riverside Centre, Brisbane 2019.
It is solved by walking exhibited at the Contemporary Art Awards Exhibition 11 January - 11 June, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia.
The Long Walk Home exhibited at the Rotary Art Spectacular, Central Plaza One Brisbane CBD.